Wednesday 28 October 2009

My cars: a short guide. Part IV — my Datsun Cherry and its sad end

Before I start, I should note that I am quite aware that an account of all the cars I have owned might not make the most interesting reading. However, I have private (and very simple) reasons for doing so.
The 1300 did great work, carrying me up and down the country to visit my then girlfriend - I was living in Newcastle and drove down every 3/4 weeks to see her in South Wales - and then saw me through to my move to Birmingham when I joined the Evening Mail as a sub. But within a few months, a turned into a side street just off Colmore Circus where the Mail offices were (they're now in some godforsaken industrial estate in Castle Bromwich near Spaghetti Junction), lost my concentration as I cheerily waved to a friend and crashed into a car coming the other way. The car wasn't a write-off, but it would have cost an arm and a leg to have it repaired and I couldn't be arsed. The only silver lining was that about an hour after the crash, I was approached by one of the compositors who I had never seen before who informed me that he had witnessed the crash from an upstairs window and that the other guy had been driving in the middle of the road. So we were both to blame, and as far as insurance was concerned, I wasn't out of pocket. I got rid of the 1300 and bought my nest car. The one irritating aspect to the 1300, which was otherwise quite a nice car, was that BL, or whatever they were calling themselves that week, had used a fancy hydro-suspension technique in its design, which provided a great ride when it was in good nick, but which you could never again get quite right once it was out of kilter. And by the time I came to get rid of the 1300, it was well out of kilter. Steering was becoming a challenge especially at high speeds on the motorway.
Datsun Cherry (which looked very much like the one in the picture on the right) was for sale at a secondhand car dealership at the bottom of Milner Road, the street where I lived in Selly Park, Birmingham. It cost was in a very nice condition and cost me a round £1,000. It had no blemishes of any kind and ran very nicely indeed. I was particularly pleased with the spring-loaded gear shift. However, a week or so after buying it, the alternator failed. I was in Leicester at the time, visiting me girlfriend (another one, not the one mentioned above) and, to be fair, there is no way the dealer could have known it was on its way out. However, once I had bought another (courtesy of the RAC chap who came out to help me - they and their AA counterparts have a sideline in supplying parts to stranded motorists who pay a little over the odds, but are grateful for getting the part there and then) and was back home in Birmingham, I walked to the bottom of the road and asked the dealer - there was two of them, in fact - what they were going to do about it. Nothing, they told me, and pointed out, as I just have, that there was no way they could have known the alternator was about to go tits up. Dear reader, I then did something I have never done before and which taught me a valuable lesson: I simply sat it out, was perfectly reasonable and insisted that I should get part of the money back. I was patient, kept it friendly, but I didn't let up. And, finally, I bored them into submission. I can't remember how much they gave me to offset the cost of a new alternator, but I remember being happy with the sum.
The Cherry gave sterling service, was a nippy little car and I liked it. Then things went a wrong. I noticed a little rust on one of the front wings, a tiny amount really, hardly noticeable, but still being young and stupid enough to fancy a little car DIY, I went around to a friend's house and borrowed his Black & Decker. The idea was that I would gently sand of the top coat, get to the rusted area, sand away the rust, apply a primer, then apply paint. The trouble was that the deeper I sanded (actually I was using the rotary wire attachment), the further I delved into filler: it turned out that most of the wing consisted of filler. It seems the dealers were buying up care which were closer to wrecks than anything else, having the body tarted up and selling them. It made - and makes - no sense to me unless they bought them for a song and the bodywork undertaken cost them almost nothing, or else they would not make a profit. And another puzzle was that mechanically the Cherry was very sound and I do not remember having any trouble at all. Anyway, needless to say (although, as always when people use that stupid phrase, I shall say it anyway, whether or not it needs to be said), after my botched attempt at DIY - I didn't fill in the rather large hole I had made - the car looked rather more ragged than I should have liked. Added to that, while on a trip to Essex to try to get off with a girl I fancied (I didn't), someone skidded in the snow and smashed into the Cherry while it was parked outside her house. So it looked even more ragged. That's when I decided to get rid of it. I sold it to the West Indian chap I used to buy my blow from at the Kings Head in Balsall Heath. I was surprised he wanted it, but he seemed happy enough. My next car was a Triumph Toledo, which I bought from my flatemate, Wayne Francis.

My cars: a short guide. Part III - addendum (and a PS)

A reader has written in with comments about the 1300 and my guitar, so I thought I might add a little:

1) The 1300 was a great shagging car. The back seat was almost flat and the car was quite wide, so you could get quite comfortable and shagging was a dream. It was not a dream in the Corsair, on the other hand, which had a terrible back seat.

2) To date my musical career has still not taken wing. On guitar on know several jazzy sounding chords (tho' I can never remember their names), so I am capable of a certain amount of bullshit playing. However, I never play when I know there are guys around who really can play the guitar as they would spot the bollocks within a nanosecond. Like many things, the more you practise, the better you get, and unfortunately I am something of a gadfly as far as that kind of application is concerned. But to put these things into perspective, I did jam (on separate occasions) with both Jimmy Nail and Sting, but was unimpressed with the talents of both so nothing came of these matters, so, not to put too fine a point, they blew it.

NB I twice got drunk with Black Sabbath, the first time just after Ozzy Osbourne had left, and the second time when they had hired a new singer. On that second occasion I also had a spliff or two, which led to the embarrassing situation when the band invited me to hear a couple of new tracks, but, as usual when I had mixed my drinks - beer and spirits - and then had a smoke, I began to feel very sick, so I ran out of the rehearsal room into the john and was very sick for the next hour or so. On both occasions Black Sabbath were staying at Rockfield Studios in Monmouth and I was nominally a British correspondent of some US rock newspaper or other, which is how I got the in with Black Sabbath. For the record, spliff in hand or not, drunk or not, Black Sabbath's music has never done and never will do anything for me.

PS I should like my correspondent to consider adding content to the blog I know he has registered. I can assure him he will enjoy setting down his thoughts.

My cars: a short guide. Part III - My Austin 1300 and how I graduate from dodgy 'good runners' to something a little more respectable

In October 1975, I joined the South Wales Argus as one of its district reporters and was based in Ebbw Vale. I was still running the Ford Corsair, but by early 1978 it was obvious the car was rapidly running out of steam, so I looked in the classified ads and spotted a white Austin 1300 for sale. The price was right - that is it was quite cheap and well within my price range - and the specifications were good. In many ways it seemed to good to be true and I was sure that by the time I was able to look it over, someone else would have pipped me to the post. But they didn't, and I bought it. It was a nice car, very tidy and in good condition. There's was nothing at all wrong with it and I had had a stroke of luck. That July, I applied for, and landed a job as a head office reporter on the Newcastle Journal, a morning paper, so I packed all my belongings into my Austin 1300 (there was not too much, just my clothes, a sound system and my guitar) and headed north. More follows

Tuesday 27 October 2009

My cars: a short guide. Part II — a rustbucket Hillman Superminx and a slighly snazzier V4 Ford Corsair

I had the Triumph for a month before it rolled down the hill and out of my life. As I said, my insurance agent just happened to be passing, and he told me of a Hillman Superminx for sale at a garage in Newport. I think I went and bought it the same day, although that seems unlikely.
It, too, was in no great state as a car, but its defects were not immediately apparent. It was something of a tank of a car, ponderous and heavy to steer, but I can't remember any particular disasters or faults. However, I knew the time was approaching when I should get rid of it when my girlfriend and I drove to North Lincolnshire to visit her parents and her sister and brother-in-law who were also staying. Her brother-in-law was an Irishman and a mechanic with the RAF. He kindly said he would take a look at the car to see whether there was anything amiss. It was apparent that there was, that the whole chassis was more or less rust, when he tried to jack up the car. In stead of lifting the car bit by bit as it was designed to, the head of the jack simply disappeared into the chassis. I did get rid of the car, although I can't remember where or how.
My next car cost me, if I remember £295. It was a Ford Corsair with a 1700cc V4 engine and, although he was still almost a banger, was a huge step up from the junk I had so far been driving. It went like the clappers. The only cosmetic fault it had has a hole the size of a small apple at the bottom of the driver's
door. I did have one or two problems with it, however. One problem was simple though bizarre and took a while to diagnose. I was driving from South Wales to Staffordshire to see my girlfriend when the engine kept cutting out. It got to the point where I could only crawl along in fits and starts in second gear. I pulled into a petrol station, but it was after 5pm and the mechanics had shut up shop for the week. The women behind the counter, however, took pity on me and told me her husband was a keen amateur mechanic and he would take a look to see whether he couldn't sort out what was wrong. It took him several hours, but he succeeded. The problem was that the coil had somehow worked itself loose and kept banging against the engine block. This caused the engine to cut out. But when it cut out, the car stopped and the jerky movement banged the loose coil away from the engine block again, so the engine began firing again. This is what I had put up with for several miles before I stopped at the petrol station. He guy simply tightened up the coil again and the problem was solved. The only other problem I had was when the clutch cable went and I had to have a new clutch installed.
I had drove the Corsair (which is pictured above. Mine was the same colour, except that it had — a rather naff — black vinyl roof) for about 18 months before I got rid of it. By then it was getting rather ratty. The brakes were completely shot and so was the steering. I sold it for £80 to some guy up the road and felt guilty about that because it really was a death trap. My next car was another step up, an Austin 1300, more of which another time.

Saturday 24 October 2009

Don't count your chickens - you never know, one might get away

Well, it all went well for a day, then this morning, while adding 'labels' to my previous entry on how my laptop is behaving again and underling the imperative of smug gits such as myself thanking God for his small mercies, it bloody happened again. Sod's Law — freezing bloody cursor. This really is irritating because my plan was to sell it while the going was good, but — all pretensions to being a complete unethical cunt notwithstanding — I wasn't going to do so until a week or so had passed without the cursor freezing. Oh, bloody well. See how this thing pans out. Onto other matters: dawn broke, and I kept a sharp eye on the clock. Seven o'clock followed six o'clock after exactly 60 minutes, so all is otherwise still well in the world. Further clues that today is shaping up not to include any more unpleasant shocks: the fridge is still quite cold, I turned on the cold water tap at the bathoom sink and water came out, and Justin Webb on Radio 4's Today still sounds like a rather smug git (so that would be two of us).

Friday 23 October 2009

In praise of life's small mercies.

It is quite odd how small, insignificant details can please us. A day or two ago, I wrote about my growing collection of laptops and why I bought the third: the first was slowly misbehaving and I decided I would try to sell it before the malfunction, whatever it was, set in properly. Unfortunately, that seemed to happen far faster than I had anticipated, so that for the past few days, the cursor on this laptop — I am writing on it now — would freeze and the only way I could get to use the laptop again was to reboot it. Things looked even bleaker when I rang an Apple dealer in Kensington who told me that the fault probably related to the logic board, that I would most probably need a new logic board, that I was looking at spending around £200 and that as far as he was concerned it wasn't worth it. He did, however add — and this will put his downbeat analysis rather in perspective — that the dealer he worked for would give me £100 of the price of a new Macbook is I part-exchanged the iBook. What made it all the more galling was yesterday the laptop even stopped recognising that it had a built-in airport card, one which was supposedly brand-new when it was fitted just over a month ago.
Then, researching (a posh word for 'looking up') possible remedies on the internet, I came across a process called 'repairing permissions'. This is quite easy to do, and I did it. And it seems to have cured whatever is was amiss. Such little things can cheer you up.

My cars: a short guide. Part I — A Triumph Herald, the wreck which was my first car

My first car was a Triumph Herald. It was a complete wreck and a death-trap, although at the time I was as pleased as punch with it. I was 25 when I bought it and knew little of life or the wily ways of South Wales wideboys, and I knew even less about cars. I was working in South Wales as a reporter for a local weekly, and quite apart from wanting a car of my own because travelling up and down the Valleys was more convenient by car than by bus, I also wanted to boost my rather meagre wages with the oddly extremely generous mileage we were paid. (At one point, a little later in my career in South Wales and working for the South Wales Argus, the weekly's sister paper, I actually doubled my weekly wage by claiming bullshit mileage expenses. The odd thing was that the news editor who signed off those expenses every week must have been aware that Abertillery to Brynmawr and back was only about six miles, not the 20-odd miles I was claiming for, and surely he must have been puzzled that when I went on my rounds of police calls in Brymawr, Ebbw Vale and Tredegar, I didn't simply make a a round trip, but claimed that after each visit to a police station, I returned to Abertillery to start a new journey to a new location. But this is exactly what I claimed I was doing, and it was a simple ruse which usefully bumped up my expenses each week almost tenfold. Getting on top of how to claim expenses is the first vital lesson a reporter must learn. If you can't do that properly, you'll never do anything much properly).
The Herald I had set my heary on was for sale on a car lot a hundred feet or so off the
main road in Blaina, a real shithole between Abertillery and Brynmawr. What to my eyes looked like a rather down-at-heel car lot a was, in fact, more or less a junk yard. But I was a naive sort of chap in those days, very trusting. The Herald was like the one above, although mine was an indeterminate mid to dark grey and a lot, lot rustier. It was for sale for £95 (in today's money £597 according to, though that does seem to me to be extraordinarily high), but I had only managed to save £65. I had been regularly looking in the classifieds for cars for sale and the prices being asked were always way beyond what I could afford. The Herald was the cheapest car I had yet come across by a long chalk and I had set my heart on it. However, even at the cheap price being asked, I was still £30 short.
'I've only got £65,' I told the 'salesman' plaintively, fearing that he would tell me to get on my bike.
'That'll do,' he said magnanimously, and I should, of course, there and then have smelled a rat. But I was so chuffed to have my first car. The salesman filled me in on its finer points and explained that I had to have a wire leading form one part of the engine to another to complete the circuit, but that this wire should be removed when the engine was not running or else the battery would be drained. So for the next few days, I conscientiously removed the wire whenever I parked it, and put it back in place when I wanted to drive some.
A weekend or so later, and proud as punch, I drove it my car from South Wales home to Henley-on-Thames to show my younger brother. It was a difficult journey because I got lost at Usk. Also the spring which was linked to the accelerator pedal to return it to the neutral position when it was not depressed had been lost and replaced with a heavy duty one from a lorry. Ten minutes after setting off my right foot ached like hell.
The following morning, I got up very early to drive back to South Wales and discovered I had forgotten to remove the wire, so the battery was flat. Mark, my brother, got up and gave me a push to the nearest hill, and I managed to bump start it. But I was still heavily in love with my 'car', so I didn't care. A week or two later, I parked it somewhere or other, crucially on a hill, and when I returned five minutes later, it had gone.
'Christ, it's been stolen!' I thought, but in my heart of hearts I knew that no one in their right mind would steal this heap of shit, and of course I was right. It hadn't been stolen, it had simply rolled away down the hill, turning right as it did so, and into the back of someone else's car. You see, every time I had applied the handbrake, nothing had actually happened, because it didn't have a handbrake. In fact, had I turned around when I had parked it a few minutes earlier, I would even have seen it rolling away.
The car was a write-off, but as so often happens in the South Wales valleys, as I was being interviewed by police over the absence of a handbrake, my insurance agent walked by, saw what had happened, and advised me that a garage he had visited earlier that day in Newport had for sale a Hillman Superminx which might suit me. So once all the boring business with the police was out of the way (which, naturally, led to a fine and three penalty points on my licence, the first of many), my girlfriend drove me to Newport and I bought the Superminx, for, I think, £200. It, too, was heap of shit, but not quite as bad as the Herald. However, the important thing was that I had a set of wheels again and could carry on creaming it on mileage expenses. The Superminx was identical to the one shown above, except that it was also a lot rustier. More about it in another post. And still to come: my Ford Corsair V8, my Austin 1300, my Datsun Cherry and my Triumph Toledo. Can you wait?

Thursday 22 October 2009

I'll come clean: I don't have a sense of humour, or so spoof sci-fi 'buffs' would have you believe.

I'm obviously in something of a chatty mood tonight, so after a little drama — Lifeline SouthWest rang to say my stepmother had fallen over, was not hurt, had to get up again, so could I go round, which I did — I've decided to inform those non-Brits among the two of you of a spectacularly unfunny sci-fi radio series and its spectacularly unfunny follow-up series. You might, of course, hear about it from others for whom 1) the original series was spectacularly funny, and 2) the follow-up is an equally smash-hit ribtickler. I am, of course, talking about The Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy. Its fans regard those such as me as philistine who have had a sense of humour bypass. We regard them as nerdy, geeky fuckwits who in the pecking order of those to be kicked regularly come just before trainspotters and C&W 'buffs' from the West Midlands. Actually, make that all buffs. If any group of people deserves perpetual scorn and a dose of swine flu, it is 'buffs' whether their thing is films, the blues, C&W, photography, cars or stamps. Incidentally, it's strange how you cannot be a 'buff' of some things: no one could be a fishing 'buff', for example.
Back to THGTTG, I must admit that it leaves me absolutely and utterly cold. Where's the joke. I posted a message along those lines on the Radio 4 website and was told that I lacked a sense of humour. Perhaps I do, but if thinking the crock of shit is funny gains you you Humour Badge, then count me out.
Actually, it occurs to me that slagging of buffs of every stripe might be worth an entry in itself. Oh, what the hell, life's too short.

A third laptop (which is something of a luxury), a second set of the same faults on my first laptop, and a missed opportunity to be unethical

Having sailed through rather choppy waters these past few days, this blog is pleased to announce that the following topic is neither controversial, indiscreet or even interesting. (And would someone please tell me an easy way to distinguish between the distinct meanings of 'discrete' and 'discreet'? I only know, unhelpful as the knowledge is, that one doesn't mean the other, and whether or not I have used the word I want to use in the correct manner, whether I have used the incorrect work correctly, or vice versa (if you see what I mean, and if you do, tell me because I don't) — pause for breath — I really do not have a clue). (Furthermore, I have just used a set of parentheses within another set of parentheses, and I am certain that such usage is completely unacceptable, and if not unacceptable, at the very least unconventional. Wasn't it Eugene T. Mahlzeit who said . . . (cont. P 94 and back to more mundane matters).) (Note the correct positioning of the full stop between the two sets of end parentheses.)
My laptop, or rather one of the three laptops I now own is playing up. It is the 12in iBook G4 which goes with me on my travels. I also have a 15in Powerbook and last week bought a 14in iBook G4 with a view to selling this one. You see the cursor keeps freezing and the problem has been getting worse. So I reasoned that if I sold this one before the problem has fully set in, I could shrug it off as a 'new' problem if and when it reoccurred when the new owner had taken possession. Not very ethical, I know, but then I have never pretended to be ethical. However, now I won't even get the chance to be unethical becsause the fault is so regular that I could never pretend it had only 'just' started once the laptop had left my hand.
One of the two faults is that the airport card goes missing. Oddly since it has been going missing, the problem with the freezing has not yet happened. You and I might think the two were related, but MacMan Lee, the Mac repairer who took £80 off me just over four weeks ago for apparently correcting a very similar fault by installing a new - he says - airport card says they cannot be connected. Well, he would, wouldn't he.
I bought the second laptop last week and picked it up on Tuesday. I shall have to do a fair amount of creative thinking in order to slowly introduce it into this household as having a bigger screen and generally looking bigger, I can't pretend it is this one. My dilemma is that every time a bill arrives - and over these few weeks what with buying another car rather than MoT the old one, the electricity bill, the MoT bill for my wife's car and the car tax - I engage in a fair amount of moaning and complaining. Buying a - third - laptop for £253 lays me wide open. 'Well, if you can afford another laptop you don't need, you can certainly afford to pay the bills' is an accusation which it would be hard to defend oneself against. Do you see my point? I do so hope you do, because I shan't be getting much sympathy from this side of the fence.

Wednesday 21 October 2009

A kindly word of warning to all bloggers

It is perhaps pertinent to point out that what a blogger records on his or her blog is, courtesy of the net — once known as the world wide web — accessible to — well, the whole world. So a degree of discretion is advisory and necessary. My apologies to anyone I might have upset.