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Friday 6 February 2009

Late-night cock-up compounded by ever more desperate attempts to remedy situation creates even bigger cock-up

The title says it all, really, so is there any need to go into the trivia. Well, of course there isn't, so here you will get chapter and verse.

So far I have one reader, or rather I am only aware of having one reader (by name of Kate). A day or two ago, in the course of a discussion it seemed to me that she, an American, regarded me, a Brit, as one of those 'buttoned-up limeys' who feature so heavily in Hollywood imagination (or what passes for imagination in Hollywood).

Naturally, I think that is cobblers, though I shall admit to being a little more private and reserved than some you might come across in the drunken queue for a Friday night kebab (known throughout Britain as the most reliable source of high-grade e-colu anywhere).

Then the thought struck me that it might be worthwhile to start a second, utterly anonymous blog in which I could record and reveal absolutely anything I wanted to record and reveal. So I set about doing so, only to find that once it had been set up, with an anonymous 'googlemail' email address and all, that it was intricately linked to my first blog, which rather blew the concept of anonymity right out of the water - my profile for the anonymous blog was identical to the profile for the 'pfgpowell' blog.

So, dear reader, this will have to serve as Part II of my personal blog and I shall resurrect the idea of an anonymous blog along the lines I had conceived if I can be arsed after all this pfaffing around, which, you might have gathered, is by no means certain.

Happy Easter.

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