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Monday 9 February 2009

Elsie and Wesley, my daughter and son

These two pictures were both taken several years ago. My daughter was then about seven and is now 12, and my son was then about two and is now 9. But these are two of my favourite photos and I have them on my computer at work.

Elsie, whose Chinese animal sign is the Rat, and as far as I can tell, she seems to be a typical Rat. In Western astrology she is a Leo, and she seems to be typical of that sign, too. Not that I believe in any of that silly nonsense.

And Wesley, whose Chinese animal sign is the Rabbit and who also, from what I know, seems to share the characteristics attributed to that sign by the Chinese. His Western sign is Gemini, and I do feel there are noticeable Gemini traits in his personality. Not that I believe in any of that nonsense. What me, a sceptical Scorpio? Pah!

Elsie was named after my grandmother and Wesley was named after my wife's grandfather.

1 comment:

  1. your very lucky to have two beautiful children, though i cannot see their
    personalites, but they are truely
    beautiful. So are mine.
    children are a great blessing.
